Tuesday, August 2, 2011

7 more weeks…

Well after a brief hiatus with other commitments, I am finally back to updating my posts.  As the title implies, I will start the countdown again.  I weighed in on Monday morning as usual:

Weight = 187. 

So no change from the previous weeks.  I figured as much.  There had been plenty of distractions and my eating was completely side-swiped for the past two weekends.  First, WC competed in his competition in Springfield, Missouri.  I made the trek for the show and was impressed by how well he looked and how well he executed his poses.  I met him in between pre-judging and the night show.  He looked like crap.  His body looked great…but he looked miserable.  Cramps…dry mouth…pro-tan smeared all over him.  He didn’t look happy.  A few hours later I met him before the night show and you could tell he was ready for the whole thing to be over.  I chalked it up to a ‘one and done.’  He tried it…it was fun…but he was ready to move on to the rest of his life.  Boy was I wrong…he got on stage for his routine and turned into someone else.  The crowd cheered, his music blared, and you could see he was enjoying every second of it.  He ended up not placing, but the seed was planted for many more competitions and weeks of prep to come. 

The second interference was a trip to Las Vegas for a conference.  My suitcase consisted of a few articles of clothing and a whole lot of protein (whey, peanut butter, tuna, almonds).  I didn’t stray off the eating plan.  Even found a gym at the hotel to get my cardio and weights in as prescribed.  So while I didn’t spend any money on booze…I had to spend a fortune on room service and my dinners.  For example…4 eggs from room service = $30.  Ridiculous!  I did find a great steakhouse and ended up eating there every night.  They were super flexible in accommodating my restrictions…no butter, no salt, easy on the olive oil…and please for the love of God remove the basket of carbs you just placed on the table before I inhale them.  The food was prepared exactly as I wanted…so it was too easy to just go back to the same spot each night.  Here is a pic of my dinner for the 3 nights I was there (8oz top sirloin and asparagus)…


With WC preparing for his show and my absence from the gym, I haven’t taken progress pics in 3 weeks.  However, there was one taken at the pool in Vegas….


So to recap…the past two weeks have been chaotic.  This week isn’t much better, but I am more focused on these next few weeks than I have been in a long time. 

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