So today is Monday…and eating included:
Meal 1: 5 eggs, 3 pieces of toast
Meal 2: 50gram protein shake, 3 Tbsp of LBAs, an apple
Meal 3: Protein bar, cup of oatmeal, 2 Tbsp natural peanut butter, mandarin oranges.
Meal 4: 50 gram protein shake, 3 Tbsp of LBAs
Meal 5: 2 cups brown rice, 4 eggs, 2 turkey sausage
Bench Press: 4x15, 10, 8, 6
Decline Press: 3x15, 10, 5
Cable Crossover: 3x10
Cable Pressdown: 4x8 superset with Dips: 4 to failure
Leg Raises: 3x20
The extra oatmeal prior to the workout gave an extra boost to my energy levels. My focus for this training plan is gaining 5-10 pounds per exercise. So far I am hitting that goal. Bench press is the one exception. It’s the first on the list, so I should be making the biggest gains here. But I’m stuck. It was going so good. I need to work on this next week. Perhaps drop weight on my warm-ups or try to hit a higher weight for lower reps. Adding 10 pounds feels like I am adding 100 right now. The trainer and I are in the process of locking down the competition and therefore the actual date. Count back 16 weeks and we’ll know when the fun begins.
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