My workout schedule goes like this:
- Monday: Chest and Triceps
- Tuesday: Back and Biceps
- Wednesday: OFF
- Thursday: Legs
- Friday: Shoulders, Triceps, Calves
We are lifting heavy right now, so the OFF day in the middle of the week is much needed. But the holidays and other commitments means my schedule is jacked up. For example, today is Wednesday – I did legs. A day after doing stiff leg deadlifts on ‘Back’ day translated to a sore back and hamstrings. It’ll be fine, and it’s much better than not being able to lift at all or missing a day….which is my fear for next week. Work and life are always getting in the way. It just happens, but I’ve done really good about working around these unplanned instances to stick to my plans. I’ve learned to be flexible. And always have a backup plan. This is especially true when it comes to eating. Say I was to start a 10 week plan on Monday. I look at a calendar….when are the holidays, do I have any vacations planned, weddings, anything else that may get me out of my routine. Don’t worry, I take a couple of weeks each year completely off. Somehow these always come up around the same time as a vacation or conference. It’s just easier that way. And I am competing in the show in July 2011. Before I even committed to competing I looked at a calendar to see when conflicts would occur and how I could work around them. So far there is a one week vacation in March that will have some impact, but hopefully its early enough. Brutally honest….I’ve already checked out local gyms and determined how I can get my meals.
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