Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 1 of Prep

January 2nd was my first day of prep. For some reason these dates always stick with me. I'll always remember April 4th as the date my last prep started. Anyways, I wrapped up my first week of prep probably in the same state of mind that I was in almost 2 years ago. A total fog. I was out of the routine of constantly cooking, cleaning dishes, double-checking to make sure I had everything, and shopping for weeks worth of food at a time. I do a lot of this stuff during the offseason, but it's completely different. For example, if you forget to pack a lunch, you can always substitute something else. Tired and not in the mood to cook? Just find something else to eat tomorrow. You can miss a meal. After a long day you can stop and get something quick for carryout. Not during prep.

LEg Day
On Friday I was exhausted. It was a long day. I hadn't slept well for three nights straight and all I wanted to do was stop at chipotle, go home, and relax. But I couldn't...and I didn't. I went home to change my clothes and headed to the gym. First rule of prep...never miss a meal. Second rule of prep....never miss a workout. I was fine once I got to the gym. This is my 'other' gym and it was once again packed with idiots. Big ones!

Leg Day 2

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