I now have 4 days until the show…Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and then BAM!….Saturday! I woke up this morning and weighed myself. It was more curiosity than anything else. 23 weeks ago I stepped on the scale and saw 232. Today…182. 50 pounds exactly….hello peak week! I had been hovering the past month or two around 186-189. No ups or downs. But I could see differences in the mirror. So clearly there had been some serious progress just in the last week. And we haven’t even started to deplete water! I was starting to feel worried last weekend. But the last few days have shown all the hard work paying off.
I woke up with an even worse sore throat. I wasn’t happy, but didn’t know what to do. So I did what any insane person would do…I put on my gym clothes and got my butt on the bike! Nothing beats a good sore throat and runny nose like sweating your tail off! It actually helped. By the time I got ready and headed to work it was mostly gone. Still a runny nose…but I knew it was just allergies….nothing serious!
The food today wasn’t bad. Another busy day that I didn’t have time to think about how hungry I was. I am trying to drink plenty of coffee and water to keep my stomach full. And of course there is plenty of gum…in my car, in my apartment, in my desk drawer at work, in my gym bag, and of course always one in my pocket.
And then came my afternoon cardio and lifting routine. The first sign of being depleted showed up with a vengeance. Suddenly I had no energy to do anything. Pedaling on the bike was not easy. I kept looking at the clock thinking that I could use some internal mind power to speed up time. But to no avail. It was the longest 50 minutes of my life. I kept reading the same page in my book, getting to the end and then having no clue what I just read! And then reading the page again and again and again..still clueless about what happened. Lifting wasn’t bad. I just got in and out…no wasting time!
There are plenty of ideas of projects I want to complete after the show, all of which will take months or years. But I did spend some time today thinking about the minutes, hours, and days immediately following the show. I need a plan! I’m too tempted right now to go crazy…eating all of the food I so desperately crave. Skipping my workouts! Giving up on my morning fasted cardio sessions! I’m now a creature of habit and having a plan helps me stay focused. I have ideas in mind of what I want. Slowly adding things back in…carbs, rest days, etc. This would be much easier than going from this extreme to the other.
I developed cold type symptoms the day before my comp and the day of and then they went away the day following the show. It was so weird. I didn't feel sick, I just sounded like crap. Your body is definitely worn down, so getting as much rest as you can is definitely helpful this week.