Starting weight: 212…down 20 pounds in just 6 weeks.
More importantly this week was more about how to cope with zero carbs. Here is my meal plan:
Meal 1: 3 cage free eggs, 2 scoops protein
Meal 2: 6oz chicken w/ Walden Farms BBQ sauce, 1oz walnuts.
Meal 3: 2 scoops protein, 2 tablespoons natty peanut butter.
Meal 4: Can of tuna, 20 almonds.
Meal 5: Plate of romaine lettuce w/ Walden Farms dressing, 6oz lean ground beef.
Meal 6: 5 cage free eggs.
I was planning for the worst…super tired, low energy, not able to lift the same weight. I didn’t have any of those symptoms this week. I used black coffee to perk me up in the mornings and again in the afternoon to give me a boost before going to the gym. If anything I was full of energy during my morning cardio and all through my workouts. By the time I got home…I was exhausted and coming down from the caffeine, but that seems standard no matter what I am eating.
I did have several temptations this week. A luncheon at a really good Italian buffet and then an alumni gathering at my alma mater. Fortunately I had been planning for these events for awhile and knew I had to stay focused and keep gum or water close by to prevent any inadvertent eating.
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